Captivate Me Read online

Page 4

  The elegance of her movements is off the fucking charts. It’s like she has practiced how to move that gorgeous body of hers for hours.

  I pull her into my arms and kiss her, our tongues caressing each other. The fabric of her clothes rubs against me as she melts into my touch. After long moments, I pull away, seeing her dazed eyes and bee stung lips. Fuck, she’s beautiful.

  She shivers as I skate my hands down the sides of her body, coming to the hem of her shirt. I pull it from her, seeing the sexiest fucking black lace bra with hot pink bows.

  “I like.”

  She lights up at my approval. That has to be the biggest fucking turn on a man can have. Right there. That small fucking reaction.

  I brush against her waist, unbuttoning and unzipping her jeans. I snake my fingers under her jeans as she wiggles her hips, helping me get them down. Goose bumps rise from her flesh as my fingertips glide down her legs, calves, and feet as I pull off the clothing. She helps by lifting her leg as I bend in front of her. When my eyes lift, her black thong with hot pink bows stares at me, beckoning me. Fuck.

  I trail my nose up the inside of her thigh as I make my way to her pussy. Her panties are damp, and I can smell how much she wants me.

  She jumps as I brush between her hot thighs then groans. Using my teeth, I nip the black lace hard enough for her to feel it through the fabric. She jolts, making me smile, and I squeeze her thighs as I rise.

  “Turn around. I need to see that fine ass.”

  She does instantly, giving a slight sway of her hips.

  “Bend at the waist and pull them down.” Her ass rises in the air as the scrap of fabric leaves her hips, gliding down her thighs, calves, and off her body. She tosses them to the floor and rises, but she doesn’t turn around. Fuck me.

  “Come here.”

  She then turns and saunters up to me, her hands at her sides. I can tell by the clenching and unclenching of her hands that she wants to touch me and is showing great restraint.


  Fuck, I have a serious hard on for her when she’s on her fucking knees. Swear to Christ, it’s the best fucking position.

  I release myself quickly. Then, holding my dick at the base, I order, “Suck.”

  Her hot heat surrounds my cock, and I close my eyes, savoring the feeling. The suction she gives me is fucking perfect. Add in that magical fucking tongue, and this is heaven. Every single chance I get, her lips are around me because it takes me to a nirvana I never want to leave.

  I grip her hair, loving how damn soft it is against my rough hands as I guide her. She doesn’t fight or press against my hand, trying to get loose. No, she does exactly what I tell her.

  A knock comes to the door, and Bella freezes for only a second then continues to suck. Fucking hell.

  “Yeah?” I call out.

  “I brought you some food,” Breaker shouts from the other side.

  I’ve been working non-stop to tap into fucking Jace’s computer. He was a sick fuck and had pictures of Angel everywhere. I traced everything I could, trying to find some connection, but I’ve been coming up empty-handed. Bella has been the only one I’ve been able to let out some of my pent-up frustration with.

  Breaker’s my twin brother. I’ve been through serious shit with him. He takes care of me more than he should.

  At Breaker’s words, Bella gasps, and a new plan comes to mind.

  I’ve seen the way she looks at him. It’s not exactly the same as me, but I’ve seen it: the lust, the curiosity. I wouldn’t be a man if I didn’t give the woman everything she wants and needs. And since it’s my brother, I feel comfortable. Had it been another person knocking, this situation would be different.

  I smirk down at her, my dick still sliding in and out of her mouth. “Come in.”

  Bella’s eyes widen into saucers, and I hold back a chuckle. I need to blow off steam, and fuck yeah, this will be fun.

  The door slides open. “I brought …” His words drift off as he sees Bella on her knees in front of me. “Fucking hell. Really, Buzz?” he chastises, no doubt getting hard from the sight. What man wouldn’t?

  “Set it over there.” I point at the far dresser, and he does without taking his eyes off Bella.

  She has her eyes on him now, still sucking on me. I would love to know what’s going through that little head of hers.

  “I’m out,” Breaker grumbles.

  “Hang on.” As the words escape my mouth, Bella gasps around my cock and pulls it out as she starts coughing. Tears well in her eyes as I kneel next to her. “You okay, baby?”

  Her hand flies to her lips as she nods.

  “You like adventure, you’ll like this.”

  Her eyes brighten, and I know she’s going to agree. Damn, this woman is going to kill me.

  “I trust you,” she says, nearly knocking me on my ass. I don’t know when the hell I earned it, but fuck me, it’s great that I have. Trust is the fundamental key in any relationship, and I trust her, as well.

  “Breaker, strip.”

  Bella’s arms tense slightly before she breathes out and relaxes.

  “Buzz, it’s not a good idea.”

  No one knows my brother like I do. Breaker is quiet, always has been. When he does talk, it’s something that needs to be said. He doesn’t mince words a bit.

  The problem with Breaker is that he locks himself in a box. As we grew older and went our separate ways in the military, the box around him became tighter. We don’t talk about our time there, but when my brother came back to civilian life, he was a different man. The walls around him were stronger, almost petrified.

  When I first suggested we join Ravage, he wasn’t up for it. Letting this many guys in wasn’t his gig. I got it. I did. But when we started hanging around the brothers, he found a place to fit. He found a purpose that he didn’t have after being discharged. Sure, he’s still quiet as hell, but he’s a man you want at your back.

  Something is different about him. If anything, I need to snap him out of whatever is going on in that head of his, and Bella is perfect for that.

  “Breaker, shut the fucking door and strip,” I order as he crosses his arms.

  The spark in his eyes that’s been dead for so long ignites. He looks down at Bella, who meets his stare.

  “Fucking hell.” He slams the door then pulls his clothes off, and it’s like looking in the mirror. We are pretty much exact copies except for a few different tattoos, and Breaker has a few more scars.

  I’m not a sick fuck; seeing him naked doesn’t turn me on or any of that shit. What turns me on is Bella’s swift intakes of breath, the opening and closing of her fists, and the slightest little tremor that rolls down her spine. The anticipation is coming off Bella in waves as she watches my brother stand naked as the day he was born. She’s into this, which means I’m into this.

  “Come here,” I tell Breaker.

  He shakes his head. “What the fuck, Buzz?”

  I pin him with a look, and he steps forward.

  “You know, if any other motherfucker ordered me around, I’d punch him in the throat.”

  “Aw, brotherly love.” I tease, and Bella chuckles. Fuck, even that is sexy. “Bella, wrap your lips around his cock.”

  Her eyes jet up to me, questioning, asking permission. Fuck if my dick doesn’t grow harder from that.

  I nod my head yes, and she turns to Breaker.

  “You want me to do this?” she asks Breaker, licking her already well-used lips.

  His eyes swing to me as his body trembles. No man would be able to resist Bella, not even my brother.

  “Man?” he questions, and I cut him a look. He sighs. “Yeah, Bella.”

  She smiles up at him as she engulfs him in her mouth. His jaw drops as she takes him, and a look of utter shock makes his eyes almost cross. Fuck, yeah.

  My dick jumps as Bella’s hand comes up, gripping me hard and stroking as she bobs up and down on my brother. His hands go to her hair, and his head lulls back,
letting the pure joy that is Bella take him over. Fuck, hopefully, this will snap him out of his shit.

  I grip Bella’s wrist, and she freezes, pulling back.

  “Bed. On your back. Legs open and ready for me.” She rises. “Oh, and take that fucking bra off. I want to suck on your tits while I fuck you and you suck off Breaker.”

  She moans, taking off her bra and getting into position, spreading herself wide on the mattress. Her hair flows in a curtain off to the side as her chest rises and falls with apprehension mixed with excitement.

  I grab a foil packet and roll the condom on my dick, needing to be inside this woman more than I need air to breathe. Her eyes connect with mine, and damn, the fire inside them…

  I climb between her thighs, her pussy wet and glistening. She moans and gives a soft cry as I plunge into her. Not slow. No, I can’t go slow.

  Breaker tries to hide his groan to no avail.

  I nod to my brother who touches Bella under her chin, and she turns toward him on the side of the bed. She looks up at him, opens her lips, and he thrusts inside her.

  I lose it. Fuck, that’s gotta be the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. I have done the threesome thing before, but with Bella, it’s different in a way I can’t describe. It just is.

  Her pussy spasms around my cock as she comes, sucking me deeper inside her. I grip her hips, using everything I have in me to pull her down on me as I push in. Fuck, that’s so damn good.

  “Oh, God,” Bella tries to scream, but my brother’s dick is filling her mouth, so it comes out seriously muffled.

  “I’m going to fucking blow,” Breaker growls, looking at me. I know he wants to know if he can come in her mouth.

  I nod, and he throws his head back. Not to be left behind, I pummel into Bella. My balls draw up, and the tingles at the bottom of my spine cause shards to explode around me.

  The world doesn’t exist. All the shit thrown at us doesn’t exist. At that moment, it’s only Bella. She’s the only one who matters to me.

  Fuck me. I stare at the computer. I need to get to work so I can get to my woman.

  “How are we on ammo for the Glocks?” Tug calls out through the wide room that houses all of our stock.

  One thing I fully admit: Ravage doesn’t fuck around when it comes to preparation. With all the shit on the thirty or so metal shelves, we have enough to protect us from just about anything. I learned this early on in my prospecting for the club when shit started to go south. I knew back then that information was privileged, and I would only get what I need. Now, being a full member in the fold, I like not having to guess the possibilities or the issues.

  I’ve never been a man who likes surprises. Those damn things get you killed.

  I finish counting the ammunition and yell out, “Got plenty.” Then I look over at the shotgun shells. “Low on shells, though. I don’t suppose we’ll be using them much.”

  Shotguns are a pain in the ass to manually load. It’s why semi-automatics are the way to go. Some of the older generation, like Zeb, love the damn things. Then again, he can hit a moving target from several feet away, so I’m not going to complain.

  Tug walks up, Becs following. “Looks like we’re good to go.”

  I rub my hand over my face. With just becoming a full member, I know shit about Ransom except what I’ve heard from the guys, but what I don’t, I’m trying to catch up on. I appreciate my ability to memorize shit quickly now more than ever.

  I hated school as a kid, couldn’t figure out what end was up. But if there was a test, I could memorize the entire cheat sheet beforehand and ace the thing. I didn’t really retain that information, but now that I look back, did I really need it?

  The Army taught me the most. They taught me how to be a man because Lord knows, Buzz and I never had one around who was worth a damn. I don’t fault my mother for that in the least. I’m actually quite proud of her.

  She is the mom who had cookies for you when you came home from school, asked us about our day, and sat with us while we did our homework. She worked shit hours as a nurse so she could be home with us when we got out of school. She provided for us as best she could. Sure, we didn’t have shit the other kids had, but so what? I thought it helped us build character. Most of the assholes who had all the nice shit had asses for mothers and fathers. No, thank you. I knew at five that I had a kickass mom. Still do.

  Becs strides over with a spiral notebook in his hand, making notes. To the normal person’s eye, it looks like scribbles and sketches. To a Ravage’s eye, it shows each weapon we have and the amount. Once I figured out the code for it, it was easy to recognize.

  Becs pulls up a wooden crate, scraping it along the concrete floor before he plops his ass on it. He looks drained as he rubs his hand over his face. “Fucking hell,” he grumbles. “This shit is going to get so much worse before it gets better. I can’t believe it was that dick this whole time. Our runs … Fuck, he paid us money for that shit. And all this time, he was after us? It’s like a slap in the fucking face, and Pops is gonna feel that most of all.”

  Tug looks at me, and I lift my chin in acknowledgment. Neither of us have been privy to the story of Ransom since we recently just patched in, but we want to know more. From the look on Becs’ face, he’s not going to be the one to give it to us.

  “What do we need to do?” Tug asks, pulling up his own crate and taking a seat while I continue to stand.

  “Need to get everyone locked down here at the club. Need to get our other charters here, too. Need to find where in the fuck that fucker is and take him out.” I know that shit already, but he continues. “Look, this is on Pops. I’m sure he’s going to pull us in and tell everyone everything, but we need to give him a little time. While Buzz tries to track the fucker down, we’ll give him that. Then we take him out.” Becs rises and strides out the door without another word.

  I look at Tug and shrug. “Going to find Buzz.”

  He nods as I leave the room.

  I head through the clubhouse, straight to Buzz’s command central or whatever you call it. It has a bunch of computers where he does his shit. The Army honed his computer skills. Bet they didn’t think he would be using them to hack.

  Buzz sits at the bank of monitors, his face set in concentration. “I know you’re there, Breaker. What do ya need?” he asks as I stride in.

  Since Buzz and I were kids, we’ve been able to read each other and have our own ways of communicating. Some say it’s a twin thing. I say it’s a brother thing, but whatever.

  “Find him?” I ask, sitting down in the lone chair next to Buzz as he types away, entering some kind of code into one of the black screens.

  “Fuck, he’s underground. I’ve pulled all the damn feeds from the street cameras around his place and the bar. I got nothing. If I had to guess, he cut them off while he was on the move. I don’t know how he knows that I’m on to him, but he does.”

  My mind races. “You think we have bugs?” My gut tightens at the thought. It’s a strong possibility, especially if he cut out right when Buzz solved the puzzle.

  “I think we should do a sweep.” He keeps typing. “I think Joey’s computer may have had something built into it that alerted him when I broke in to a certain point. I don’t know for sure, because there’s so much fucking code and shit, but I’ll look.”

  “Where’s Bella?” I ask, and my brother’s head snaps to me at the mere mention of the woman’s name. Damn, he has it bad, but I’ve known that since he met her.

  Buzz has always been the type of man to know exactly what he wants the moment he sees it. It’s only a matter of time before he claims Bella. Hell, the only reason he hasn’t is because of all the shit we’ve been dealing with at Ravage. As soon as this is settled, I know Bella will be his.

  I’ve never gone after what I want, because I don’t get it.

  “She’s up with the ol’ ladies. Did you see her in the clubhouse?”

  I shake my head.

  “Fuck,” he growl
s. “I’m fucking putting a tracking device on her.”

  I chuckle, having no doubt he would do it. Fuck, he may even go as far as to insert it into her skin. I can’t blame him, though. Bella is the thing guys’ wet dreams are made of. All that dark hair and those curves … Fuck. But I don’t feel the same way that Buzz does about her. Sure, I care about her, and I’ll protect her with my life because she’s my brother’s girl and I actually like her, but there isn’t that connection like lovers.

  Now friends is a totally different story. I’ve never really had many of those, keeping to myself most of the time. Sure, I had my team in the Army, but I don’t talk to them anymore. Seeing each other would only serve as a reminder of what went on in that grainy desert. While we depended on each other out there as bullets flew at our heads, none of us want to relive it.

  It’s why I was so damn apprehensive about becoming a part of the Ravage MC. Yet, somehow, both my brother and I just fit here. I look back now and think, What the fuck was my problem? But when you grow up with only your brother as a friend, it’s hard to let others in.

  “I’ll find her. Then I’ll talk to Pops about a sweep.”

  Buzz goes back to the computers. “Make sure she’s alright. I scared the shit out of her, calling her like that.”

  “You know you’re going to get your ass kicked for that, right?” And there is no way I can save him from that. None. Considering Bella isn’t even his ol’ lady, it makes this shit worse. A brother tells the club first. Always. He does not call up his girlfriend and have her here before letting the guys know what’s going on.

  “I know. I’ll take it,” he replies, not missing a click on the computer.

  I say nothing, only leave and search for Bella.

  I find her in the basement, curled up on the couch with Fight Club playing low as she stares at the screen. This is her norm. When she stayed with us while we were on lockdown because of that ass Jace, I’d find her here in this exact spot, watching some Brad Pitt movie. Women.

  I lift her feet to her surprise and sit down, putting her feet on my lap. She calms the moment she sees it’s me.