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Stood Up (Billionaire Up #1) Page 6
Stood Up (Billionaire Up #1) Read online
Page 6
He chuckles. “I don’t need to hurt him physically to get my point across, Aiden. Be at my house at seven.”
“Bye baby.”
Holy hell, he just called me baby. As if his words didn’t already make me a pile of melted butter, that one just about does me in.
I spend the next couple of hours getting ready and hoping that Mason doesn’t get in trouble for me.
Chapter 10
Pissed isn’t even close to my emotion right now. That piece of shit put his hands on Aiden twice now and in my building. That’s beyond unacceptable behavior that I want in my company.
Not to mention, Aiden doesn’t deserve any of this. Him threatening her is so far over the line, he’s in the danger zone.
I wanted to beat the hell out of him, but decided to do this the smart way. At least to all the eyes in my company. That doesn’t mean I don’t have my men, security I call them, on Drake’s ass and will pay him a visit to make sure he’s out of our lives for good. I’m not worried in the slightest. My connections can make him disappear.
“Mr. Dean, Mr. Hamilton is here to see you.”
I press the button on my phone. “Thank you, please send him in.”
I look over to the two top human resource people I have on staff, who have both seen the tape. There really wasn’t a lot to discuss after the visual.
The door opens and Drake comes in with sneer on his face. Once he sees the HR men, his sneer leaves and a look of understanding comes across his face. He fucked up. Big.
It’s my company and I have the authority to do whatever in the fuck I want, but having these two here to witness what goes down will protect everyone involved.
“Have a seat.” I order him not getting up from my desk. His pleasantries have long since left.
“What’s this about?” He has the nerve to ask. Instead of punching him in the face, I fold my hands and place them on my desk.
“You were involved in an altercation in the elevator today. That altercation came with you physically putting your hands on a woman. That is unacceptable.”
“We were just talking and she wanted me to touch her.”
“Would you like me to play the tape for you. I reach for the remote to the television off to the side of my desk. You can tell me what you see.”
“No.” he cuts off. “I don’t need to see anything. So what’s this some kind of warning for my job.”
“No, this is your fired. Get your things and leave the building. You no longer work at Excel.”
Drake’s face turns to stone. “Fired. You’re going to fire me because I talked to your whore?”
My body locks and I want to kill him, just put him six feet under. Put all of us out of our misery. I didn’t become the owner of a billion dollar company though, by losing my shit. Instead, all Drake sees is calm cool and collected.
“You will not call her that again. I have witnesses here to you slandering her name. I have video tape of you assaulting her. There are also witnesses from a few nights ago that will cooberate that this isn’t the first time you put your hands on Ms. Porter. If she wants to pursue an assault case, that is up to her, but she does have evidence. I have evidence it happened in my building.” I pull out a stack of papers from the top drawer of my desk and put them on top. “In your contract, that you signed that states if at any time you put your hands on anyone out of aggression it is an automatic termination of your contract. If you’d like to know the page so you can read it, I’ll be more than happy to provide that.”
“This is shit.”
“No, it’s a legally binding contract that you signed upon being employed by this company. I will not tolerate any of my employees, clients or guests in this building to feel as if they will be assaulted in any way. That is what you’ve done here.”
“I’ll sue you.”
To this I smile and look to my two guys who try to hide theirs.
“Do what you must, but just know that we will fight back.”
“You’re a motherfucker.” He rises from the chair and sticks his finger at me. I remain sitting, again there are witnesses in the room. “You take my date, fuck her like the whore she is and now you fire me! I’ll have your ass.”
“Like I said before. You need to refrain from calling Ms. Porter derogatory names.”
“Fuck you! Just wait.” He turns and storms out the door.
“Get the lawyers on it. A full team of PR to clean it up and not a damn dime goes to him except his last pay check.”
“Yes sir.” They get up and leave.
This should make me feel better, but it doesn’t. I still want to pound his ass into the ground. He doesn’t cool his shit and fast, he’ll be finding out what I can really do.
The doorbell rings just as I put the steaks on to grill. My gut told me she’d be on time, and it’s served me right over the years in business. I’m glad to know I can still trust it. I’m still pissed about Drake, but I’m not going to let it ruin my time with Aiden. That dick isn’t getting any more of my time tonight.
Swinging the door open, Aiden stands waiting, and my breath catches. The light above the door shines down on her brown auburn hair pulling out more of the reds in it than normal. It flows down her back, yet small parts on either side of her face hang down to her breasts. Her makeup is subtle and to be completely honest, she could go without and be just as stunning. The fact that she doesn’t know this again has me reeling.
Aiden has on jeans with rips throughout the material exposing a hint of her creamy flesh and a plain V-neck babydoll pink t-shirt. She looks so different and yet so much better. So, her.
She holds out a brown paper bag to me. “I didn’t know what to bring.” I take it but don’t look. She could have brought dirty bath water, and I’d just be happy that she’s here in my space.
“You look beautiful.”
That blush I’m coming to love—knowing I put it there—rises up her cheeks, and she shrugs. “This is me. I’m more of jeans and t-shirt kind of gal. You actually caught me on a good day at the office this morning. This,” she uses her hand to sweep up and down her body, “is how I am normally. But I can see you like to be comfortable, too, so it’s a win.”
It takes a moment for my brain to fire. Clothes. Oh yeah. I have on jeans that hang low on my hips and polo-style emerald green shirt. Nothing fancy, but a cry away from the suits I wear day in and day out.
“Yeah. Come in.” I step away from the entryway, and Aiden looks around. I’m not sure if she really got to see the place when she was here before, except for the couch—that was hot.
My place is simple. Nice but not over the top. Yes, it’s large, but not too over indulgent. I’d rather save my money or invest it, than buy pillows for the couch.
My patience isn’t the greatest, and with her so close I need to kiss her, so I do. Her lips taste of strawberries and her mouth all sexy Aiden.
Her arms wrap around my neck as she kisses me back. The food will be ready soon, therefore, I can’t take this as far as I want. My cock groans at the thought, but I need to feed her first.
Tonight is supposed to be for us getting to know each other, to talk. Anything else will need to wait for a while.
I pull back and meet glassy eyes filled with lust. “I need to flip the steaks. Come on out back with me or,” I open the bag in my hands and burst out laughing, hard, “you can open a couple of bottles of beer.”
Her smile is breathtaking, wide, and perfect as she shrugs. “I’m not a wine drinker.”
“I remember.” A mischievous idea comes to mind.
“What?” she asks.
“I’m just wondering how it’ll taste when I pour it down your chest and stomach and lick it off.”
Her breathing picks up as her lips part, and she sucks in a breath. Looking down, her nipples are at stiff peaks just ready to be devoured.
“Later. Let’s eat,” I remind myself and her when I really want to
eat her for my dinner, dessert, and breakfast.
She nods her head as I pull away and make my way outside, adjusting my cock as I go.
Coming back in with the piping hot steaks, corn on the cob, and potatoes, Aiden is at the kitchen counter washing her hands. She looks at ease, relaxed, and perfect in the space.
“Dinner’s ready.” She looks up and smiles.
We each grab food and begin to eat. It’s not an awkward silence, more of a calm one as we serve up our meal.
“This is delicious,” Aiden tells me, putting more potatoes in her mouth.
“My father taught me to make those. They have to sit on the grill for an hour with the onions and butter.”
“Better grab yours or I’ll eat them all,” she chides.
I lean in. “Baby, you can have all the potatoes you want.”
Aiden grins around her fork. She likes the banter between us, too, not to mention my words. Those are powerful things for her. I admit, I love it and I’m going to keep at it.
Her face falls a bit. “I need to know what happened with Drake. I’ve been thinking about it since I got off the phone with you.”
There goes him not invading my night, but I knew better. Her job is solving problems so she must like to do it.
“He was fired.” She gasps. “He violated the company contract. Whatever happens now, we deal with it legally.”
“Where does that leave me?”
“Your assault happened in my building, therefore if anything comes of the incident, my company will pay to fix it.”
This is my not so subtle way of taking care of her without it feeling like I’m invading because if he does come after her or I, I will bring out the big guns.
I reach over and grab her hand. “Baby, it’s what my company does. If there is a situation in our building we take care of any fall out from it. For example if he says things about you or I, we will go after him for defamation of character. We can also press assault charges against him considering he put his hands on you twice now.”
Leaving out the part that if he even comes within fifty feet of her, I’ll beat the living hell out of him, I keep with the legal side.
“Absolutely. I promise you, I won’t let it touch you.”
“Promise me?”
“Yeah, Promise you. Now, let’s not let him ruin our night. He doesn’t get that.”
“No, he doesn’t.” her smile is bright like I scored big. Damn right I did because she has her ass in my chair in my house.
“Alright, let’s get to know each other,” Aiden says as her eyes dance in humor and curiosity. “We’ll go back and forth asking a question, and both of us have to answer each and every question.”
I quirk my brow. “I’m not really a playing a game kind of man.”
“It’s not a game. It’s just so we can find things we have in common.” Aiden digs into her food, almost shy she brought it up. Jackass. This is what I wanted, for us to talk and get to know each other. The thought is intriguing, and I wonder what I’ll learn. It’ll also get her mind off of Drake. Game it is.
“Hit me.”
“Favorite color.”
“Blue,” she answers as well. “Your turn.”
Oh hell. “Favorite sexual position.”
“No sex questions.” She pauses then grumbles under her breath. “We don’t have trouble there.”
“We sure don’t,” I respond to her wide eyes. “First car.”
“Pontiac Bonneville. It was a hunk of junk but big enough to fit all my friends in it when we went out.”
She looks at me to answer. “Honda CRX,” I answer, while she bursts out laughing. “What?”
“You fit in that little of a car? There’s no way.” She shakes her head, her hair flying with each movement. So young, so carefree. So gorgeous.
“I was a bit smaller then. Same height so it was a bitch at times, but it’s what I could afford. So, it’s what I got.” She looks at me puzzled, and I get the distinct impression she’s about to ask me about money.
“Favorite place to go,” she says, surprisingly and to my relief. I hate talking about money. Yes, I have it, but my father taught me how to be humble about it as well.
“Wow, I’ve never been there.”
“We’ll have to go. Get a cabana on the beach.” She looks away shyly again. Does she have any idea what that does to me? I’m doing my damnedest to keep my dick in check, and it’s getting painfully hard. What I wouldn’t give to have her in a bikini on the beach. That is going on the must do list. “You?”
“Clearwater, Florida, my parents’ took us there on trips when I was a kid. Great memories were made there.” She appears wistful, and I put Clearwater on my to-do list as well. “You’re up.”
“What music do you listen to?”
She gives a small chuckle. “Don’t laugh,” she begins, and I give her a little nod to start. “Late 80s and 90s music. Like Nirvana and Beastie Boys.”
I feel myself get lighter. “I listen to that, too.”
“No way!” Aiden’s laugh fills the room as she throws her head back with it. I find that not only is there great chemistry, fantastic compatibility, and a match in the bedroom, but we have more in common than I even thought. I’m more intrigued by her with each question and answer.
Chapter 11
Over an hour he’s played along with me. We ate, cleaned up, and are now sitting in his living room. Me on one end of the couch and him on the other. No music playing, no distractions, only him and I talking, getting to know each other, and getting a feel for one another that doesn’t involve either of us getting naked. I’m disappointed at that because the beer down my body did sound intriguing, yet utterly happy about it at the same time.
Somehow, I’ve managed to put the situation with Drake out of my mind and just be with Mason. Mason promised me and somehow, I believe him. It’s been the best decision.
Every time I’ve been with Mason, he’s been so intense. Here, now, he’s laid back and showing me a totally different side of him that I really really like. He’s even more captivating like this. I’m completely turned on by his domineering side, but seeing him so calm and comfortable, I think turns me on more. Or maybe it’s the combination of the two plus being able to cook. In reality, it’s the whole package that is Mason Dean.
“Come here,” he calls out, holding his hand to me. My body moves before my brain registers, but I like where it’s going.
Mason swings one of his legs on the couch, then pulls me into his lap. His warmth surrounds me as his arms come around. My head rests on his shoulder, and I inhale his very male scent letting it filter through me. His cologne mixed with him is something they should bottle up and sell. No, they shouldn’t because then I wouldn’t have it all to myself. I’m not sure when I turned into a greedy bitch, but I’m feeling the need to be selfish.
His lips touch my forehead, sparking shivers through my skin and down my neck.
“I’ve really enjoyed you tonight, Aiden.” There is a twinge of surprise lacing his words, and I’m not sure how I feel about that. Did he expect this to go bad or that I’d be a shit time to hang out with? Or is it that he expected great and it went beyond his expectations? If only I could get inside that brain of his.
“Me, too,” I tell his chest, listening to the thump of his heart beating steady, strong, and relaxing. His hand comes up and begins to stroke my hair. It feels good, really good, and I try not to let my eyes flutter. His hand cascades to my neck, and he begins to massage the muscles there. The muscles tense and flex then begin to relax.
“So you solve problems for a living,” he says casually, like he’s not putting me to sleep with each of his touches.
“Yeah.” I fight the fog he’s putting me under and think of an articulate response. “I love to solve puzzles, even as a kid. My mom would always just hand
over the Rubix cube for me to line up when she’d had enough. It wouldn’t take me long, and I’d have it solved. As I got older, the puzzles became harder, and my mother would find anything and everything to challenge me. In college, I ended up helping one of my professors along with taking the class.”
“How did you come to do businesses?”
I like that he’s taking a real interest in my job. Yes, we’ve chatted all about random things, but to take an interest in my job warms my heart. It’s a passion.
“My father.” I chuckle at the memory. “While I was in college, he’d ask me questions about things that were happening in the company he worked for, and I’d give him my answer. He’d usually come back and tell me I was spot on. It became habit, and I learned there’s a need for it. It took me a while to get my footing, but once I did, my business boomed.”
Mason kisses the top of my hair again. “It’s quite impressive, Aiden.”
I smile. “Thanks. How long have you worked at Excel?”
“I built it from the ground up.”
This answer has me pausing and pulling up to meet his eyes. He doesn’t look over thirty, and to build a company as in demand as Excel is impressive in its own right.
“You built it?”
His gorgeous smile comes out, and I lick my now dry lips. Mason’s eyes travel the same path as my tongue, then his gaze comes to mine.
“How old are you?”
My breath catches. Wow. Just wow. “Wow,” I say on a whisper, and he leans in, brushing a slight feather-light kiss across my lips. Warmth grows from down below, and I move to straddle him on the seat. My blood pumps as I place my hands on either side of his face loving the way his muscles tick at my touch.
This night has been utterly perfect. Not one thing I’d change if I could.
I need him to erase the day. Need him.
Sealing my lips to his, Mason wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer into him. It doesn’t take long before he’s controlling the kiss, hands in my hair and turning me this way and that. He steals my breath and has my body running fiery hot.