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Stood Up (Billionaire Up #1) Page 8

  “Yes. It’s been a while, but yes. I’m happy.”

  To that, she smiles as only best friends do. “Then I’m happy for you. Now tell me about Drake. What happened there. Brad says he was fired and he’s moving out of state to be close to his parents. Do you know anything about that?”

  Being the shit friend I guess I am, I forgot to tell her that tidbit of information. Unloading everything that is Drake Hamilton on my best friend is like a weight coming off of my shoulders and floating into the sky. Just that small act releases me from some of the binds I feel holding me down with it comes to that man.

  “Holy shit! He grabbed you and called you a whore!” She practically shrieks and I look around the crowded coffee shop we met at. Many eyes come my way and I smile it off.

  “Keep your voice down.” I chastise. “Yes, Mason tells me not to worry about him. That he’ll take care of it.”

  She stirs her coffee with the spoon around and around like she needs something occupy her hands.

  “You believe him?”

  “I have no reason not to.”

  “I hope you’re right. Drake just wasn’t the guy Brad and I thought he was. I’m so sorry Aiden. I didn’t mean to set you up with a creep.”

  “Oh, babe. You didn’t know and if you would have you wouldn’t have even thought to set me up. I love you and nothing is going to change that.”

  She taps the spoon and pulls it out of her mug. “Tell me about dinner the other night.” I like this change of topic.

  I’m just finishing the story as the hairs on the back of my neck rise. Searching the quaint coffee shop, Mason stands by the front door his gaze instantly coming to me. It’s like he felt the same thing as I did. That pull is so damn strong.

  “What are you…” Lila’s words stop as she tilts her head and sees what I do. “Holy shit,” she whispers. She’s not wrong. The entire room electrifies with his presence, and several women’s heads turn to him, but he pays them no attention and comes directly for me.

  His tailored navy suit fits him like a glove and still is as perfect as he left in it this morning. The brush of his beard is perfect, and memories of it between my legs dampen my panties.

  “Hey,” I say rising, not exactly sure what I should do. We haven’t really done the public thing, but I roll with the first thing that comes to mind. I wrap my arms around him, embracing him tightly.

  “Hey,” he says back then plants his lips on mine, searing me in the middle of a coffee shop, taking my breaths and thoughts away. Heat rises and the place becomes a sauna. Mason pulls away, and my lips feel as if they’ve been stung by bees. “Having lunch?” he asks.

  It takes me a moment until my mind clears. “Yeah.” I step away slightly. “Mason, this is Lila, Lila—Mason.”

  Mason puts his hand out, and Lila takes it. “Nice to see you again, Lila.”

  “Yeah.” Lila looks at me and mouths the word ‘damn.’ I smile because damn isn’t even the half of it. It’s funny though because he said see her again, but it’s like this is the first time she’s actually seeing him.

  “What’s got you coming all the way over here?” I ask.

  “I had a meeting and needed some coffee. Best is here, so here I am.” He smiles and dazzles me as the flitter in my chest grows. “You?”


  He kisses the top of my head. “I’d love to join ya, but I have a meeting in forty-five minutes at the office and need to get my coffee and go.”

  “Don’t you like, have people that go and get you drinks?” Lila asks.

  “Of course,” is all he answers. “I’ll see you tonight.” He lands a hard kiss on my lips, and I fall back into my chair. Once he gets his coffee, I get a wink and then he’s gone. It doesn’t go past me that every single eye in the place is looking at him as well.

  “Okay, go as fast as you want,” Lila says, grabbing my attention.


  “Aiden, the way he looks at you and touches you. It’s like he’s done it for years and not mere days. I see the same thing in the way Brad looks at me. It’s a beautiful thing that you need to hold onto.”

  “I can’t predict the future, but right now I’m happy, and I’m going to see where this leads.”

  “Smart woman. Damn, he’s hot! I’ve really only seen him from a distance. Not that up close and personal.” Guess that explains that question.

  “He’s even hotter between the sheets.”

  “Damn you woman.”

  Laughter erupts from my chest as Lila and I continue our conversation until the last bite is eaten.

  “You look as beautiful as ever.” Mason greets me, opening his door. I went home after work and freshened up before coming over since Mason decided he wanted to take me out tonight. I’m dressed in jeans like I am pretty much every time. I did take a bit to fix my makeup from the day and brush my hair, though.

  “These old things?” I point to my jeans and the chucks I have on my feet. I’m a simple woman who likes the simple things.

  “I like you better naked, but no one else sees that but me.” He looks handsome as always in dark black jeans and a white button-up shirt with his sleeves rolled up. Casual, but hot. I’m pretty sure there isn’t another way for him to look.

  “So, where are we going?” I ask, stepping into the walkway.

  “I wish you would have let me pick you up,” he says, brushing a piece of my hair over my shoulder.

  “I like driving here.”

  “You like to have an escape.” He’s right. I don’t want him to be, but he is. It’s my way of keeping things in control and as fast as this relationship is going, I need that small bit.

  “I’m not going anywhere.” I have no plans to at least, but I do like that I have an option if I need it.

  “We’ll get there,” he says before placing a chaste kiss on my lips. “Let’s go.”

  Mason opens the door to his Navigator and helps me in, then goes to the other side and gets in himself. As he starts the engine, I wonder something so I ask, “Why don’t you have a driver?”

  He pulls out and starts down the road, giving me a chuckle. “Why would you ask that?”

  “I’ve been to the movies and guys in…” I stutter because it sounds pretty stupid what’s going to come out now that I think about it. But I push through anyway. “You run your own company and have a gorgeous home. Anytime I see stuff on television or in books, a guy in your position would have a driver who carts him around from place to place.”

  His laugh deepens. I fully admit I love the sound of it, even if it’s directed at my question.

  “I don’t want one,” he tells me matter-of-factly. “Now, do I plan one day to get a limo and have a driver so I can fuck you senseless in the back, absolutely. But not every day.”

  His eyes never leave the road, but he continues talking, “I have money, Aiden. Enough to retire right now and live damn good.”

  I interrupt, “I don’t care about your money, Mason.”

  “No, but you’ve lumped me into a generalization, and I need to wipe that from your head.” A rock hits my gut because he’s right, and I shouldn’t have done that. Can I just blame TV? Or the movies?

  “Sorry,” I whisper. He reaches out and clasps my hand in his, pulling it to his lips and giving me a soft kiss on it.

  “I have money because I’m smart about it and live that way as well. Can I buy whatever I want, absolutely, but that doesn’t mean I will. Everything is about the end game for me. Living life with someone I care about. That’s the goal. The success, the money—none of it means anything unless I find someone to spend it with. At least that’s what my realization is lately.”

  He squeezes my hand that is now resting on the arm console between us. My heart does that skipping fluttering thing again.

  “Money is money. I personally don’t like talking about it.”

  “Then don’t!” I try pulling my hand away, but he grips tighter.

  “I think this is impor
tant.” I stop tugging and take in his words. Who knew the drive to get something to eat would be so intense? “Money doesn’t define me because I won’t let it. I’m not a celebrity where people take my picture at every turn. I’m low key, always have been, always will be.”

  “I’m not either,” I say quietly. “An attention seeker.”

  “You may not be by nature, but you’re gorgeous, Aiden. No man who likes women would not look at you.”


  “Truth. Bottom line is, Aiden. I have it. I can use it when I want, but it’s not who I am. I have nice things, but not extravagant. If I want a nice meal, I have one. If I want a new car, I get it. But it doesn’t define who I am as a man.”

  This time I lift his hand to my lips and kiss him. I’m pretty sure my heart just tangled into him in a way I won’t get back.

  Chapter 14


  I’m relieved the money talk is over. With all the books and movies about men with money, it doesn’t surprise me that Aiden would think that is me as well. Don’t get me wrong, it could be, but it’s not and never has been.

  I pull up to the restaurant, and Aiden lets out a burst of laughter. “Bernie’s?”

  “Of course, it’s the best dining around,” I joke. It’s not, nowhere close, but it’ll be a hell of a time. “Come on.”

  I open the door and go to hers doing the same. Lacing my fingers in hers, we make our way up to the large orange front doors. Opening it for her and then stepping in behind her, my ears are assaulted with laughter and cheers.

  “I can’t believe you brought me here!” she laughs. “Come on!” She pulls me through the crowd. Bernie’s is like a kid’s game store, but for adults. I’ve seen it advertised but never came. Something told me that Aiden would like it. Sure enough, she pulls me to a game in the back. “I love skeeball. Have you played?”

  “Not since I was a kid.”

  She digs in her purse pulling out money. I hold my hand out. “I’m paying. It’s my date.” She rolls her eyes and stubbornly puts her dollar into the machine. I’m going to have to confiscate her purse at some point.

  I pull out my money clip and put a dollar in the machine next to her. May as well give it a shot.

  “The point is to get the ball in that very top small opening that says twenty-thousand as many times as you can. The more you do, the more you win.”

  “And what do you win?” I ask as the balls clank in the machine.

  “Technically tickets, then you can go up and get crappy prizes, but let’s make this interesting.” A sharp gleam comes to her eye making my dick twitch. “I win, I get you any way I want.”

  “I win, I get you every way I want,” I counter pulling her flush with my body and sealing the deal with a fiery kiss.

  “Let’s do this,” she says, pulling back and grasping one of the balls. “I should tell ya, I’m pretty good at this.” Her arm flings back and sure enough, she hits the twenty-thousand pocket the first shot. Not that I give a shit, either way we both win.

  We toss balls like nobody’s business. Aiden wins the first, and I counter with the best out of five. Her laughter drowns out all the other noises in the room, and my soul focus is the woman next to me.

  She counters after I win the best out of five with the best out of eleven.

  “Ha!!!” she calls out when she beats me by one game.

  “You won.” I hold my hands up in mock surrender. “Do with me what you will.”

  She laughs, pulls me close, and rises on her tiptoes to kiss me. “You have no idea.” My dick hardens and stays that way through dinner of pizza and beer.

  Seeing Aiden smile constantly has made it my goal to keep that beautiful smile on her face.

  “One more game before we go.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Air hockey!” She’s so damn excited she jumps up and down bouncing her tits as she does. Damn my dick is going to fall off before I get her home.

  “Let’s do it.”

  Big mistake. One, when she bends down, she shows me her tits. Two, when she smacks the puck in the hole, she jumps up and down showing me her tits. Three, when I score, she gives me the sexiest pout. Each of these things makes me want to pull her in the bathroom and fuck her.

  I’m about a breath from doing just that.

  A hand comes out and grabs the puck off the table and I stand to my full six foot three inch height as a man stands there with the puck in his hand. Not looking at me, but looking at Aiden in a way that pisses me off. It’s half pissed off, half desire.

  “Greg, hey.”

  “Hey, you haven’t called me back.”

  Aiden’s eyes flick to me, then she looks back at Greg. “Because I didn’t want to. I have nothing to say to you.”

  Instinctively I move to Aiden’s side and stare down at the man. He’s not short about five ten or so with ash blonde hair. He’s clean cut and clean clothes, but I don’t like him.

  “Why cause you’re fucking him?” he asks pointedly.

  Aiden’s eyes dart around the room and she smiles at a couple who heard this asshole Greg. “Keep your voice down.” She tells him.

  “Who’s this?” I ask breaking Aiden’s death stare, barely.

  “Ex, Greg.”

  “Ah, ex. And let me guess.” I address the man. “You figured out you fucked up and now want her back. Too late.” I throw my arm around Aiden and she doesn’t shy away from it, no she leans into me.

  “Shut the fuck up.” Greg sneers at me putting me on alert.

  “No, you shut the fuck up and get the hell out of here.”

  “Or what?”

  “I’ll make you. Aiden doesn’t want to talk to you, so that’s your eviction notice.”

  “She does. She likes to play these games. Anyway, what are you gonna do? Pick me up? Go for it. I’ll call for the cops. You can’t do shit.”

  “I don’t play games. That’s you dickhead. Go away.” Aiden tells him.

  “We need to talk.”

  “No, I don’t want you back. I don’t want to look at you. So, no we don’t need to talk.”

  “But, Jailene left me.”

  Aiden bursts out laughing. “This surprises you? She slept with you while you were with me. What makes you think she has any loyalty to you? Karma Greg. It’s a bitch.”

  “You don’t mean that, I know you love me.”

  I feel Aiden’s body tense and for a brief moment I wonder if what he says is right, because that’ll piss me off royally.

  “I don’t love you. I don’t like you. You mean nothing to me Greg. Now leave, you’re making a scene.”

  “No.” He crosses his arms over his chest and I’ve had enough of this game.

  I lift my chin to the left corner where Eli stands. Yes, I have security with me. Eli strides over.

  “Sir, come with me.”

  “Who are you?”


  “I didn’t do anything wrong.”

  Eli grabs his arm. “Sir, if you don’t come with me, I’ll drag you out in front of everyone.”

  “I’ll call the cops.”

  Eli shows him his broad smile. “Please do.”

  Greg sizes up Eli then turns to Aiden, “You will talk to me.”

  “What is wrong with people? No. Stay away from me!”

  Greg leaves with Eli on his heels.

  “Who was that?”

  “Eli, our security.”

  “Why do we have security?”

  “I have security all the time. Now that we are us, we have security. This means you’ll have it at work and when we’re out.”

  “Mason, don’t you think that’s a bit much?”

  “Until Drake is gone and this asswipe leaves you alone, I’m not taking any chances.”

  As I stare at her eyes, it’s like I can see the wheels turning inside of them. But after a few minutes she says, “Okay.”

  “Okay, just like that.”

  “Yep. Until these two ar
e gone. Then we discuss this.” She smiles and lifts up on her tip toes giving me a kiss.

  “We talk about Greg later.”

  Her face falls. “I really don’t want to.”

  “Doesn’t have to be tonight, because our date is going great, but soon.”

  “I’ll give you that. Let’s get out of here.”

  “You took the words out of my mouth.”

  The drive home seems to take forever and while Aiden is taking her sweet ass time in the bathroom as I lay on the bed cock in hand. I really need to be inside of her.

  The door opens, and my hand stills. Aiden has on a light pink nighty that I can see totally through, but something about her wearing it—for me—has my dick twitching. With her arm extended up the door frame, her breasts perk just begging to be sucked and played with.

  “You have me, whatever will you do with me?” she asks.

  “Get your ass over here and I’ll show you.”

  She smiles flirtatiously and comes my way. This is the beginning of something great.

  Chapter 15


  Warm lips trail up my arm and to my neck. My body arches in response eagerly seeking that softness. Opening my eyes, soft light streams in through the window of Mason’s bedroom.

  “Morning.” My voice comes out sleepy and horse.

  His tongue swirls and a gasp escapes me. “Morning beautiful.”

  Damn, I love when he calls me that. Hell I love when he calls me just about anything because it’s all panty melting.

  “Need my cock inside you.”

  My core clenches and desire builds.

  “You going to take my cock, Aiden?”

  I groan, “Yes.”

  “That’s my girl.”

  He rolls me onto my stomach and puts all of his weight on top of me, still trailing kisses along the way. He pushes me into the mattress and I feel every inch of his hard body on mine. I try to spread my legs, but his knees come to either side of me halting my movements.


  His cock grazes between my ass cheeks and I grip the sheets as wetness pools below.

  “Spread, just a bit and let me in.”